Acupuncture In Pittsford, NY | |
At The Inner Sage Healing Arts Center | |
Donald Londorf MD PC | |
Deleted: Chinese medicine has a very rich history that spans several thousand years of continuous clinical use. The four major branches of this form of medicine are acupuncture, Chinese herbology, qigong and tuina. Each offers a different access to balance and integrate your spirit, mind and body. The underlying theory of Chinese medicine is that all beings and things in the Universe have Qi (Life Energy). When Qi is abundant and flows freely, a natural state of balance and health prevails. When Qi becomes excessive, deficient or blocked, an energetic pattern is created that may lead to physical, emotional, mental or spiritual problems. The primary goal of Chinese medicine is to locate and correct imbalances in the circulation of Qi (the root of problems). Imbalances may occur as a result of strong or sustained emotions, negative thought patterns, stress, physical trauma, poor diet, environmental factors or unhealthy lifestyle choices. | |
Deleted: Chinese medicine can be tailored to your unique, personal situation. Treatment options include acupuncture with or without moxibustion, Qi healing or Chinese herbs. These can be woven together to provide you with the best combination to restore or maintain the harmony of your spirit, mind and body. | |
Deleted: Assessments are made with the Chinese methods of personal health history, classical Chinese pulse taking, tongue examination, physical examination and Qi assessment. | |
Deleted: Because healing is an internal process, it requires your full attention and involvement. | |
Deleted: For this reason, qigong meditation or exercises are often taught as a personal means for you to achieve and maintain your wellness goals. | |
Deleted: My specialty is abdominal acupuncture (Fuzhen), a technique developed by Professor Bo Zhi Yun in China. This method requires fewer needles in comparison to standard acupuncture. It is very comfortable and profoundly relaxing. It can be used for most problems including joint, tendon and muscle issues, as well as internal organ and emotional conditions. | |
Deleted: The initial consultation is 90 minutes and includes a review of your history, an assessment of your condition and the first treatment with feedback. | |
Deleted: Follow up visits are typically 60 minutes in duration, with actual needle treatment time varying from 30 to 45 minutes depending on the technique used. | |
Deleted: It is recommended that you arrive at least 5 to 10 minutes before your appointment time so that you can be calm and centered for your treatment session. | |
Deleted: In addition nutritional assessments and recommendations using whole food supplements are available as part of your care if you wish to explore this part of your wellness. |
- Donald Londorf MD PC1 Grove Street Suite 103
Pittsford, NY 14534(585) 234-0302 Clinic Hours
Mon8:30am to 12 Noon
1:30 pm to 6 pmTue8:30am to 12 Noon
1:30 pm to 6 pmWed8:30 am to 1:00 pmThu8:30am to 12 Noon
1:30 pm to 6 pm
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